Friday, December 12, 2008

On This Day in History with commentary by Araceli

1787- Pennsylvania became the second state to ratify the U.S. Constitution. Araceli's Notes: After the the Black Plague (aka the Bubonic Plague) spread in Europe in the 1300's via rats, the US wanted to make sure that each state was completely ratified.

1870- Joseph Rainey took his seat as the first African American in the U.S. House of Representatives. Araceli's Notes: Historians are still not sure where he took it.

1930- The Mona Lisa was recovered in Florence after having been stolen two years earlier (August 1911) from the Louvre. Araceli's Notes: Although the Mona Lisa woman has no eyebrows, she is very valuable. Note to self: Quit plucking, it doesn't add value.

1963- Kenya gained its independence from Britain. Araceli's Note: After using 400 billion gallons to remove the Brits from Kenya, Gain was also found to be a great laundry detergent.

1999-The House Judiciary Committee approved a fourth and final article of impeachment against President Clinton. Araceli's Note: And you thought you had the most embarrassing moment. Yikes!

2000- The U.S. Supreme Court stopped the presidential election recount in Florida. Araceli's Note: "I SAID.....YOU CAN STOP COUNTING GRANDMA! IT'S OVER!"

2001-Yasir Arafat closed the offices of Hamas and Islamic Jihad. Araceli's Note: I only know how to spell five words in this sentence.

1 comment:

Betty said...

Yipee! I love history! I love ur commentary even better!