Words cannot express what happened to me this weekend. But I guess "I'm engaged!" is a good start. There was so much that happened so just stay with me....
Christmas Eve:
7:00a Left from Dallas to San Angelo
11ish Arrived in San Angelo and began to play with Lexie Joy
6:30p Christmas Eve Service at SRC, went to Wita's, ate and started to open presents
10:45p Aaron arrives at Wita's!!!
12:45 I'm engaged!
Christmas Day:
9:00a We ate breakfast at Wita's. He likes oj with lots of pulp, i like it with no pulp, but i already knew that. I made eggs for Aaron for the first time :)
9:15a Aaron throws up.....just kidding.
12:00p Went to my mom's mom's house - Here Aaron had a blast getting to know my aunt and grandma.
4:00p Went to Jerry's parents house (jerry is my stepdad)
5:30p Went back to wita's, a bunch of the fam went out to eat, looking at Christmas lights, and then back to Wita's. We played Apples to apples and it was HILARIOUS!
12:00a Polished my nails
9:00a Breakfast at Wita's again, yum. Aaron likes beans, but not for breakfast (already knew that too!)
10:30 Had to go back to my mom's mom's because mom wanted to give us some tamales, holla!
10:55 We meet Magaly, Miriam and Cami at Starbucks. Aaron fell in LOVE with Cami.
12:30 We leave for San Antonio!
4:00p We went straight to Mi Tierra (where we ate on our first date). Miracle: We were seated less than 10 minutes after arriving, our food was out in 15 min.
5:00p Went to the Riverwalk. Aaron took me shopping. This is where we took the most pics
9:00p Left San Antonio to Go to Corpus
11:15p Arrived completely tired!
8:45a Aaron pics me up to go to work! ugh!! go to sams first, then Old Navy- bought me more clothes. (i only brought winter stuff and it was so hot there!)
12:00p Bought lunch for Aaron and his dad.
12:00- 6:00p Watched Aaron at work. He is amazing!!
7:15p Left with Aaron and his Dad to Premont, TX to meet his dads side- so fun!
12:00 Left Premont. I was embarrassed bc i was alseep with my mouth open in the car.
8:42 Aaron comes to pick me up. Told him that he sd 8:45 and i needed more time.
8:45 Got in the car to go to church. Hey, every minute counts!
10:00 Pastors wife annouces our engagement to the Spanish congregation
11:30 Aaron announces our engagement to the English congregation, then preaches! whoa
1:00 Aaron takes me to La Playa to eat a Fried Avacado!! in heaven!
2:00 Went to the mall and to visit Freddie (aaron's uth pastor) at the church fireworks stand
4:45 Aaron drops me off at the airport :(
8:15 Arrive back in Dallas!
It's going to take me a while to take in all of the events of this weekend. It was so memorable! We are so excited!