I got up this morning to go shopping with my dad. (tia yaya had to work) I met him in the kitchen and we started chit-chatting. Then he suddenly starts laughing and says, "Oh! I had a dream about you and Aaron last night. It was so funny!" Immediately, a red flag goes up. Anytime dad laughs at something that's funny to him, 99.9 percent of the time it's not funny to me. He goes on to explain, "I had a dream that we were in San Angelo and you came into the room and you were so excited that Aaron had just proposed to you. I mean, you were going on and on. You were really excited. In the middle of all of that me and T
ia Y
aya saw the ring, and it was
ugly. It was
so ugly! It looked like an oval with these little diamonds on the side. It was so bad! And me and your T
ia Y
aya just looked at each other and she was saying, 'Lionel, you better not say anything!' But man, I really wanted to tell you, '
Cheli, it's ugly!' but your
Tia Y
aya kept saying, 'Lionel, you better not!' So after a while you calmed down and then you noticed that the ring was ugly. And after that you got upset. Aaron was in the room, and he looked sad and we could all tell that you were not happy with him for getting you an ugly ring. So I went to Aaron and said, 'Come on, Aaron. Let's talk.' But yeah, it was an really ugly ring! It looked like an armadillo or something. Ha ha ha......."
Um, not funny!
OK, I'm going to be very honest. I'm kinda nervous about the ring. I have no idea what it looks like, but I do know that I trust Aaron's good taste and style, but then again I'm nervous. Aaron has told me several times that I'm going to love the ring. SO, everyone just delete this bad dream from the record. I will not allow my dad's dream to legitimize my fear.
But just in case.... armadillo's are kinda cute, right?