Saturday, February 7, 2009

I have been inspired!

Aaron has been faithfully working out and I have been faithfully not working out. See, we are so faithful! This whole marriage thing is going to work out great! Well little Mr. Aaron has inspired me to reach to new heights. (metaphorically speaking of course since I'm done growing) Today I visited a local gym that's about 4 minutes away from the house. I drove up, parked the car and sat in there for about 5 minutes. I finally made it in and was given a tour of the facilities. It's modest, but I think that I'll enjoy the fact that all of the treadmills and elliptical machines have their own TV screen with cellulite, I mean, satellite.

I'm going to try it out for a week before I make a commitment. What was I doing for five minutes in my car before I went into the gym? Oh, nothing. Just finishing my Taco Bell taco.

That was SO TRASHY!

The trash truck woke me up at 7:40 this morning. I was so perturbed that I looked out the window at him. I don't know why. 1. That's not intimidating at all 2. Without my contacts, I can only see up to 8 inches in front of me anyway. Maybe it was my jacked up vision, but I was so sure that when I looked out the window, He was leaning off of the truck with one arm, with the other arm extended towards the houses he was passing like he was in a musical or something. I got back in my bed, but I couldn't go to sleep without figuring out what his lyrics might have been. I decided that he was probably singing with a low operatic voice, " I am your TRASH MAN, waking you from your SLUMBER!!! then I went back to sleep. I know, I'm silly.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Feeling Oily?

My car has this cool feature that tells me the oil life. The oil life of the oil, for clarification. When the oil life gets down to 15% it will indicate it to me as soon as I turn on my car, and it won't go away until I clear it with a push of a nifty button. Until I have the oil changed, that reminder will come on every time I turn on my car. I was shocked when I saw that the sticker (see top left corner of your front windshield) said that I was 800 miles over! I made an appointment right away to get the oil changed (yes, I have to make appointments to get the oil changed) It wasn't until I left work early to talk to "Kenny" (if thats his real name) that I learned that they just try to estimate with the sticker mileage. I was told by "Kenny" that I should always go by the indicator on the car. Good to know, "Kenny", good to know.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


So opposite from my wonderful finance, I have not been working out. I've been thinking about it. Thinking should burn maybe a calorie or two, so that'll have to do for now. In the meantime, I will continue my omg-i woke up late- i have no time to make lunch- I'm late for work- visits to good ol' Mickey Dee's. On my most recent rampage through the drive thru, I learned some new lingo from my mexican worker friends. As I was taking my goodie bag from the lady, I said thank you. Then she said, "Habbaguudaye." I said, "sure." I waited because i thought perhaps it was a new sauce or something of the likes. Then she closed the window. I drove off and after repeating it over to myself out loud i realized that she was saying, "HAVE A GOOD DAY." hee hee.

Monday, February 2, 2009

I'm gonna PUMP you UP!

Tonight I began my road to total fitness! I went to the athletic club tonight and I participated in an exercise class called 'Body Pump'. They estimate that you will burn 800 calories in one hour in this class. The only thing that was going through my mind the whole time was the fried okra and chicken strips I had eaten for lunch. We started out with a 10 minute warm up and after 10 minutes, I was already breaking a sweat. Then we moved on to squats. It was the squat routine that made me regret ever eating anything in my life. Then we moved on to chest and back areas. As i type this, it's a little hard for me because i can feel the tension in my back. Cheli thinks i'm exaggerating but i really do think that even my hands will be sore tomorrow..I'm serious! THEN we moved onto biceps and triceps and I am not lying that my arms wanted to say in an L shape when I left the gym. I'm not joking. I can just feel them right now wanting to go back to an L. Then we did probably the hardest part of the workout which is the lunges. I wanted my mom to carry me to the car after that. SO I'm pretty tired. I AM going to be sore tomorrow. But i have promised myself that I'm going to get in shape for the wedding. And it's true what they say, "No Pain, No Gain." - Aaron

I feel like throwing up

i was on youtube and i was watching this video where the camera was being jolted and jerked around. now i feel all queasy. i know that this happens to normal people, but I'm especially susceptible to this kind of stuff. i get motion sickness fairly easily. i have NEVER been nor will i EVER get on a roller coaster. i get sick when looking up towards a tall building. i get sick when i look down out of the window of a tall building. i think i heard someone say that my dad had motion sickness issues like that. maybe my mom, uncle benji or uncle joe can verify that for me. ugh. it's a gross feeling. i feel like eating cereal but i'm scared that we'll have a clean up on aisle nine.


Go to Denny's tomorrow for some free chow! You know I'm gonna be there fo sho!
UPDATE: I'm tired. There's no way I'm gonna make it. Tell me how it went.