So opposite from my wonderful finance, I have not been working out. I've been thinking about it. Thinking should burn maybe a calorie or two, so that'll have to do for now. In the meantime, I will continue my omg-i woke up late- i have no time to make lunch- I'm late for work- visits to good ol' Mickey Dee's. On my most recent rampage through the drive thru, I learned some new lingo from my mexican worker friends. As I was taking my goodie bag from the lady, I said thank you. Then she said, "Habbaguudaye." I said, "sure." I waited because i thought perhaps it was a new sauce or something of the likes. Then she closed the window. I drove off and after repeating it over to myself out loud i realized that she was saying, "HAVE A GOOD DAY." hee hee.
hmm.....maybe i should start saying that to the parents when they pick up their kids!
Next time answer with "Jew-elcum"
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