Saturday, March 7, 2009

I'm baaaaaccccckkkk!!!!

I just got into my room! What a weekend! Aaron and I had alot of fun in the Corpus Christi sun. Aaron and I did alot of fun things, but I am so very sleepy-ish so I'll have to blog about our adventures at a better time. But what I do want to share is a a mothers day card that Aaron wrote. We discovered it while looking through some old pictures. I don't know really what to call it, an essay? a scary edgar allen poe poem? not sure, but this is proof that Aaron has always been a deep thinker. (they guessed that he was in 3rd grade when he wrote this)

ENJOY! i know i did. I couldn't stop laughing.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

What A Day!

Today was an awesome day. It started out with a yogurt and banana and I was out the door. I made a few stops this morning before I got to work and finally made it to the shop around 9:45 AM. 
We were pretty busy at the shop. It starting picking up around lunchtime which is the usual time we get bombarded by hungry customers who want a delicious fruit cup. I had a phone call to make at lunch time to Cheli and then back to work.
Then we had the after school rush where if your not careful, your gonna get run over! Fruit was flying everywhere! To the front and to the back, the shop was full of anxious customers.
6 PM came around and it was off to the church. I usually change at work on Wednesdays so that I can make it to church on time. Otherwise, I'd be running super late.
Tonight we had Baptism Class and New Member Class. The class was great! We went over some basic stuff and reviewed with them the notes that were handed out in advance. 
I think that everyone is ready and confident that they are making the right decision.
Today was awesome! It started great and ended great. Tomorrow, Cheli flies into town. We haven't seen each other in over a month. I can't wait to see her. I love you Cheli!

Monday, March 2, 2009

I love de-regulation....whatever that means.

I have a co-worker whose dog chewed up his glasses. He told me that he was told that the lenses alone would cost over $150. The frame is fine, this is the cost of the lenses only. Ouch! Being the savvy computer guy that he is (he works in the IT dept) he did some research and found a super cool website. As long as your have your Rx, you can place an order for prescription glasses starting at $8.00! He decided to splurge and get the $10.00 frames with anti-glare or whatever it's called. Oh and shipping is a flat rate of $5.00 from wherever. I'm going to be ordering some soon. When I asked my friend about the reason that I can order glasses from wherever I want, he said that there is no regulation on contacts/glasses so people can order from wherever they want!

Here's a link to a message board about the site if you want more info. Let me know what you think....