I am almost obsessive about winning prizes. I think I have the christian version of gambling addiction. In the words of my mentor Nacho Libre, "I wan to wien!" Sometimes when I'm listening to the radio here in Dallas, I imagine the different phrases I would use when they tell me I am the twelfth caller. "I can't believe it!" "Mom, I won!" "Thank you, you guys are the best!" ect. Sometimes, when I'm in the checkout line at the store, I imagine that I'm their 1 millionth customer. Lights go off, confetti comes down and a big banner falls down from the ceiling that says 'Congratulations, Araceli B Hernandez! You're our 1,000,000 Customer!' I actually don't really care what I win, I just want to win something one day! SO, today I went to ever trusty Google, typed in 'Enter to win' and filled out about ten to twelve contest. I'm expecting a lot of spam in my inbox and junk mail in the mail box, but it will all be worth it when I win!! For everyone who leaves a comment, I will pass along a generous gift from my winnings. ($3 gift card to the restaurant of your choice) Must be 18 years or older to qualify. -Araceli
i want ichiban. but with the money you're going to win, you can give me more than $3.
i'm sorry beth. you know i'd love to, but rules are rules. my hands are tied on this one.
OMG, you are your Mother's child. I love to play online games, REALLY I DO. And I play everyday, yes you read right everyday. Right now I am signed up with Publishers Clearing House or PCH-games for you other online game pros.
You can earn points to SPIN the wheel!! Then you can earn more points, prizes and cash, yes cash!! Moolah! Of course it is only .25 or .50 cents but it is the thrill of the game.
I am also waiting for the streamers, confetti, brass band, roses and sash. I always give my permission to use my name and picture DING!! (that is the sound of my sparking tooth as I smile). That was a DING!-Aaron not a BOING!
Just the idea of hearing my name and seeing my name up in lights is so exciting, I can hardly wait to yell out, Woo-Hoo or the notorious war whoop cry we are all familiar with.
I have not won anything yet, well once I won the coveted miniature-purse-sized, make believe bath and body works bottle of lotion at a baby shower, but I was so confused on how to win the game, that I wasted a perfect oppurtunity to yell out, BINGO, or LOTERIA or something like that.
But my day will come and when it does I plan to share the winnings with everyone, unlike the bottle of stinky lower shelf lard like-smelly, make believe bath and body works lotion.
I hope you got other fine genetic qualities from my DNA, but if not well then Win big.
P.S. Watch-out for the Neilson ratings. Yes, they will mail you 5.00 but that is just one time a year, besides you really do have to actually watch tv to answer the survey and they do clog up the e-mail.
Love Mom
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