Monday, December 8, 2008

my day

well, my day started early and has finished late. today i had breakfast with my mother at a little restaurant close by our family's business. we opened up the shop to anxious customers who were craving monkey mixes and mocha mudslides. after a few hectic hours, things slowed down a bit for me to work on some paper work. afterwards, there was the after school rush. we closed up at 6 and i was out the door running to the car and off to bible school.
i go to a night bible school here in corpus christi in an area called flour bluff. three hours of apologetics was too much for me tonight. islam, judaism and catholicism. talk about crazy information flying at you too fast to take in. we also had a debate tonight. as a side note for everyone who didn't know, i am the associate pastor of Elim Assembly of God in corpus.
well, that pretty much sums up my day. it was a pleasure but i've gotta jet. goodnight world. -aaron

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