Well in about 15 weeks or so, my fiancee will be moving down to Corpus Christi. I have got to say that there are a lot changes on the way. The one thing that is going to be hardest to for Cheli to adjust to is... we only have TWO malls; and one of them is turning into a flea market; not good. But we love each other and like the good book says, "Love conquers all."
I am for the first time going to experience having Cheli in the same zip code for the first time ever. As everyone close to us knows that Cheli and I commute by plane most of the time to see each other. This is SO hard for us when we have to leave. I don't like goodbyes. The end is coming for "goodbyes." I can't wait. No more driving around with an empty passenger seat. From now it will be, "make that two please."
aww! i love this blog, your so sweet. but i have two things to say...
1. i had no idea about the flea market. :(
2. from now on it will be, "make that two please....and super size that last one"
Though i have lived in San Angelo for 24 years,Corpus Christi still holds a special place in my heart. Yes it will be an adjustment, but if that is where God wants you,It'll all be fine. I'm praying that God would bring you this way.
Aaron you are so funny. I always get tickled when I am do something, like say texting and Jerry is doing it at the same time. Or finishing each others sentences etc.,etc.
But it always TICKLES me and/or creates a huge smile on my face when my kids say or do something that I or their dad said or did.
And now you have also hit that make me smile button!!!
After Osiel and I got engaged, we also lived miles apart and did not get to see each other often, (only once in 3 months before the big day), Osiel would mail me cassette tape recordings featuring himself, just so I could hear his voice. In a few of those recordings he would share extremely bad jokes, which I think he got from Uncle Raymond, but he would always say he could hardly wait to order 2 hamburgers, 2 fries and 2 drinks, or MAKE THAT TWO PLEASE.
He was so sweet.
Little did we know we would be making it 3 soon and SUPERSIZING EVERYTHING.
Thanks for the smile and for everything you two are sharing,
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