Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Finest Christmas

On Christmas Eve I drove to San Angelo, Texas to visit Araceli and her family. I left right after work and arrived at about 10:30 pm. That night was the best night of my life. I proposed to Araceli in a rather special way. She said, "Yes!" and then after several minutes couldn't remember if she said yes. That was funny.

The whole week was an event that was enchanting and special. I left San Angelo with my Christmas present, Cheli. We drove to San Antonio and spent the afternoon there with each other while enjoying all of the sights and sounds. It was spectacular!

I am absolutley convinced that Araceli and I are going to be so happy growing together and loving together. We are so excited...


Bethany Hernandez said...

yay!!!!! i'm so happy for both of you!

Betty said...

Congratulations, both of you! And the ring is so much prettier than that armadillo ring. :-)

A and A said...

Hey thanks! I had so much fun with yall in San Angelo. I can't wait to see yall again!